A Message from our Head Teacher
Hunsbury Park Primary School is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future.
At HPPS, we believe that children should be curious about their learning. Through our engaging and progressive curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum, where talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential through high academic outcomes.
As an inclusive school that proudly serves the needs of our pupils, we offer a broad range of support and provision to our immediate and wider community through our School SEND partnership, vast outdoor provision / learning spaces, external professional engagement, resource and designated provisions.
Our school vision is driven by research led approach in which we are ambitious for all of our school community; this shared approach ensures that we ‘work together to be the best we can be’.
I hope our website will give you as much information as possible about our school, the staff and the many opportunities that our children enjoy through our school offer. We operate an ‘open door’ policy at HPPS and recognise the importance of communicating with the parents and families of the children in our care.
We welcome visitors to our school and if you wish to come and have a look around, please feel free to make an appointment by contacting the school office.
Mr York
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Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. The welfare and safety of pupils who attend our school is our paramount concern. We will promote the health, well-being and safety of the pupils in all we do.
When visiting our school, recognising our safeguarding team is easy, all safeguarding DSL's wear an orange coloured lanyard.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Felicity Sinclair
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Shelbie Read
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Hayley Rootes
Our Social Connections