School Uniform

At Hunsbury Park, we believe that our uniform gives us a sense of community and belonging.  We are proud to wear our uniform and show everyone that we are from Hunsbury Park.  All children are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times and to be smart and ready to learn.

Please visit to order branded school uniform and ties for Years 5&6.

Please note: Children may wear plain non-branded items from a high street store if preferred to one with the school logo on.

The details of our uniform can be found below.

Reception and Years 1 – 4

  • White or red polo shirt
  • Red sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Black or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
  • In the warmer months a red checked summer dress/black or grey school shorts can be worn

Years 5 and 6

  • White shirt
  • School tie (mandatory)
  • Black or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
  • Red sweatshirt/cardigan


Shoes must be sensible and suitable for all weather conditions and accessing outdoor play equipment; these must be plain black without any form of branding or logo. Children may not wear trainers of any kind (unless for a medical reason or agreed by the Headteacher in advance). Shoes must have a back to them and must not have a high heel. Flip flops or ballerina style shoes must not be worn.

Physical Education

The school PE kit is compulsory. For indoor PE all children require:

  • A white T shirt
  • Plain red/black shorts
  • A pair of plimsolls (please ensure that you regularly check these for size).
  • Key Stage 2 children will also require a school rugby shirt/plain black sweatshirt, plain black joggers and suitable outdoor trainers.

PE clothing should be kept in a named bag and be changed into before the start of every PE lesson.  Parents are responsible for ensuring their child brings their PE kit to school when needed.

In Years 5 and 6, the children have swimming lessons; they will need a suitable one-piece swimming costume/trunks/swimming shorts with short legs, no longer than mid-thigh. All children will need a swimming hat in order to swim. These are available to purchase from any sportswear outlet.


The school will provide Book Bags from Reception and these must be used up to Year 4 instead of children bringing a bag into school.

Year 5 and 6 pupils must use an appropriately-sized waterproof bag/book bag to carry their books and equipment. It must hold A4-sized workbooks comfortably without causing any damage.

School bags featuring inappropriate images, slogans or phrases will not be permitted.

The school will discourage pupils from bringing valuable bags to school. The school will not be liable for lost or damaged school bags.

Forest School

Children will regularly engage in Forest School lessons. For these sessions, please ensure that a spare set of clothing is brought in on the day; clothing required will include weather-appropriate, ‘old’, warm clothing, such as:

  • Joggers
  • T-shirt
  • Fleece
  • Warm waterproof jacket
  • Wellington boots 

General Appearance

For the safety of the children, NO jewellery (rings, necklaces and bracelets) should be worn to school. A small inexpensive watch may be worn (the school will take no responsibility for any misplaced items.  Smart watches are not allowed in school.


If absolutely necessary, discreet studs may be worn but only one per earlobe and these must be removed by the child before PE and swimming lessons.  No other piercings are permitted.  In line with Local Authority policy, plasters over the ear are not allowed.  To ensure that your child is not excluded from this compulsory area of the curriculum, we would like to advise that any ear piercing should be done at the beginning of the summer holiday to allow for adequate healing time.

Nails and Make Up

Acrylic/Gel nails, nail varnish and make up are not permitted in school and will need to be removed immediately.

Temporary skin transfers or tattoos are also not permitted and we reserve the right to ask children to remove any other accessory which, in our opinion, constitutes a danger to the wearer, other children or staff.


The school reserves the right to make a judgement on whether a pupil’s hairstyle, hair colour or headwear is inappropriate for the school environment; however, the school will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics. Each individual pupil’s scenario will be taken into account where any judgements on appropriateness are to be made, and parents will always have the freedom to complain via the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.

The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children.

Hairstyles and haircuts which are deemed too extreme such as tramlines, stars, shaved heads (no shorter than a number 1), extreme patterns, ‘V’ styles, mohican cuts or dyed, tipped or dipped hair are also forbidden.

Pupils with long hair should also tie it ALL back whilst in school for safety and hygiene reasons.

Hunsbury Park Primary School is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from harassment and to achieve their full potential.