Phase 3 Information

Welcome to Phase 3

Phase 3 contains three classes of mixed Year 5 and 6 children. Each class is named after an artist. Our artists are Michelangelo, Frank Bowling and Abby Diamond. Over the course of the year, everyone finds out about each class’ artist and has the opportunity to try some artwork in that style, create class displays outside our rooms to share with everyone in school and also have the opportunity to perform a class assembly to teach our parents and the whole school about our artist.

Our Classes


frank bowling





Year Group

Class Name


Teaching Assistants

Year 5/6

3 Diamond

Miss Daisley

Mrs Flynn






3 Bowling

Miss Howard

Mrs Firstbrook



Mrs Boyling







3 Michelangelo

Mrs Watts

Mrs Ahmed



Mr Dyson 

Mrs Ratcliffe 

Useful Information

Full, named PE kits are needed in school on PE days, which are Mondays and Fridays.

Throughout the year, Year 6s in each class get the opportunity to go swimming for a block of lessons. These take place on a Friday and the children and parents will be contacted when it is your week to go.

Please make sure your child has their library book in school on the days when we go to the library so that they can change it. These are:

  • Diamond – Tuesday
  • Michelangelo – Wednesday
  • Bowling - Thursday

The children in Phase 3 are expected to write their reading into their reading records and these are taken in on a Thursday to check progress.

Homework is also due in every Friday.