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The Nest - ASD Provision

The Nest at Hunsbury Park is Designated Specialist Provision for children with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Children attending The Nest have an Educational Health Care plan, which identifies needs associated with Autism such as, sensory impairments, speech and language and communication needs. 

The Nest is split across two sites, with Reception and Key Stage 1 based at Hunsbury Park Primary School and Key Stage 2 at our provision based in Duston. Children are supported to transition at the end of Year 2 through the use of consistent routines, visuals and structure.

The Nest curriculum is highly adapted and differentiated according to need and pedagogy. The Curriculum Flightpaths identify the key skills and learning for children (intent) the methods and approaches used to deliver this (implementation) and different outcomes (impact.)

Pupils are assessed using a range of statutory and non-statutory assessment frameworks to measure their progress through the various stages of their learning. 

The Nest supports children to prepare for the next stages of their learning and adulthood by delivering a bespoke curriculum called ‘Preparation for Adulthood.’ This curriculum focuses around four key strands; Independent Living, Friends, relationships and Community Inclusion, Health and Employability. All Four strands are mapped across The Nest curriculum Flightpaths and assessed throughout the school year.

The Nest environment has been carefully designed and developed to ensure that it meets the needs of children with ASD. All areas are painted in muted tones and has a ‘distraction free approach.’

Referrals for admission will come from the Local Authority via a consultation.  Hunsbury Park then have 14 days to respond to the consultation, stating if they can meet the child’s needs. As part of this consultation process, staff from The Nest may visit children in their current provision, speak with current provisions and in some circumstances parents also.

The consultations are considered by The Nest lead (Assistant Headteacher) and Headteacher to ensure that the following criteria is met:

  • All pupils must have an EHCP
  • All pupils must have a diagnosis or be on the pathway to an ASD diagnosis
  • Pupils primary need must be Social communication and Language or Sensory
  • Pupils do not have a complex medical or physical condition in association with ASD

If you would like any further information regarding our Nest provision, please contact Hayley Rootes, Head of Unit, via the school office or via email () If you would like to book a tour of either provision please contact Claire King , SEND administrator