Phase 2 Information

Welcome to Phase 2


Phase 2 contains three classes of mixed Year 3 and 4 children. Each class is named after an artist. Our artists are Kerry Louise Bennett, Simon Kenny and Kathleen Guthrie. Over the course of the year, everyone finds out about each class’ artist and has the opportunity to try some artwork in that style, create class displays outside our rooms to share with everyone in school and also have the opportunity to perform a class assembly to teach our parents and the whole school about our artist.

Our Classes










Year Group

Class Name


Teaching Assistant

Year 3/4

2 Guthrie

Mrs Allen

Miss Toone-Davies 






2 Bennett

Miss Nyczka

Mrs Clare






2 Kenny

Mrs Boardman

Mrs Kitchener 



Miss Esson


Useful Information

Full, named PE kits are needed in school on PE days, which are Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please make sure your child has their library book in school on a Friday when we go to the library so that they can change it.

Homework will be set every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This could be maths, grammar, punctuation or spelling (GPS) or another subject based on something the children have learnt about that week. Children also need to be practising their times tables regularly throughout the year ready for the Multiplication Tables Check in June. They could use Times Tables Rockstars for this.