At Hunsbury Park, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that builds knowledge and skills from the children’s starting points in order to create future opportunities and enrich their lives. We have a strong commitment to the development of oracy skills in everything we do. The Golden Threads running through our curriculum are the school values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility Compassion, Perseverance and Integrity. In fostering these values, we develop our children to become successful, independent, ambitious and future-ready learners who are resilient, flexible and have high aspirations.
We develop their knowledge and skills alongside exciting experiences, such as Forest School, residentials visits, trips and visitors, which enrich their learning. These opportunities enable them to effectively and confidently communicate with others, showing a deep understanding of where they have come from, who they are and what they might become.
We celebrate and embrace cultural and individual differences, appreciating the diverse world we live in. In this way, we enable our children to become skilled citizens of the world who will help to shape and contribute to a respectful, peaceful and thriving future.
Please view our 'Curriculum vision and Key Concepts' document below.