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Our curriculum is ambitious, diverse and research driven


At Hunsbury Park Primary School, we believe that a strong Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE curriculum is strongly tied to our pastoral care programme.

Our goal for PSHE education is for children to be safe, healthy and emotionally literate, so that they are equipped to positively deal with the diverse world they live and their future lives, through the key concepts of: Relationships, so they can build positive relationships with others; Understanding of Self, so they can have a strong understanding of who they are and be confident in being themselves; and Health, so they know what helps them to lead a healthy life, mentally, physically and emotionally.

We feel it is important for teachers to act as role models and have a   good subject knowledge. In order for children to reach their true potential we aim to engage parents and encourage them to support their children to follow our school rules and our values through our golden threads. We strive to provide the children in our school with a plenty of opportunities to display their PSHE knowledge, understanding and skills within our local community.


A range of teaching and learning styles are used to teach PSHE following the Jigsaw scheme.

Teaching is pupil-led with an emphasis on active learning techniques such as discussion and group work.

‘Ice-breaker’ activities and clear ground rules regarding discussions are put in place to ensure a safe, supportive and positive learning environment. Examples of discussion guidelines include rules such as:

  • No talking over people.
  • Show respect for another’s views, even when disagreeing with them.
  • Keep comments subject-specific, as opposed to personal.
  • Confidentiality is important.

Pupils learn research and study techniques and can engage in investigations and problem-solving activities.

All pupils are encouraged to take part in charity work and fundraising, as well as organising school events such as assemblies and open evenings.

The school uses visiting speakers, such as health workers and the police, to broaden the curriculum and share their real-life experiences. Any such speakers are closely monitored by the class teacher who will use their professional judgement to end a speech if they consider it to contravene any of the aims of the PSHE policy or the values of our school.

The school consults with the local community on matters related to PSHE to ensure that local issues are covered in lessons.

Pupils’ questions, unless inappropriate, are answered respectfully by teachers.


By the time children leave Hunsbury Park Primary School they are competent, able to communicate their own ideas and values clearly without being disrespectful to the beliefs of others.

Attainment will be assessed using:

  • Pupil voice, planning scrutiny and book looks in whole school PSHE moderation.
  • The independent assessment which is completed by children at the end of each unit. Teachers use this to inform the impact of the teaching and to ensure the children are making progress and attain appropriate standards.
  • Quality Assurance of PSHE is completed by the PSHE lead alongside class teachers during regular meetings and learning walks.


Our ambition is for all pupils to access the full PSHE curriculum. These pupils will be supported to provide them with full accessibility to the PSHE lessons.

How Does PSHE Promote British Values?

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PSHE links well with British Values as many of the topics are intertwined. Pupils at Hunsbury Park Primary have experience of democracy when electing School Council members. They can exercise individual liberty when deciding upon changes they would like to see made within school by being involved in interviewing new teaching staff.  The rule of law is adopted when classes create their own Circle Time rules in PSHE and tolerance and mutual respect are learnt about through occasions such as Antibullying Week, Autism Awareness Day and Careers’ Day where lessons are planned to specifically meet the needs of our children.  This is all underpinned by our School Values which are our Golden Threads and run through everything we do.

PSHE Languages Documents