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Family Support

At Hunsbury Park Primary School we have our own Family Support Lead (Mrs Claire Riley) who works very closely to support children, parents and families in our school. Our Family Support Lead supports children and families who are vulnerable, have Special Educational Needs or who have English as an Additional Language, (EAL).

Our Family Support Lead is also on hand to any family who require additional support with difficult family circumstances such as parent separation, divorce, bereavement, new baby in the family, new relationships, financial advice and support and health advice (puberty, mental health and hygiene).

As part of the support we can offer to families at Hunsbury Park, we offer a breakfast club and early bird nurture club for targeted children and families through invite only.

Our Family Support Lead is always there to listen and appreciate parent views and is able to offering suggestions or sign posting to organisations who can support you further.


Please feel free to contact Claire Riley at any time through the school office or via her email address . Claire is also availble on an out of hours school contact number ( 07783351275 ) when the school is closed for any urgent issues or support. 

Family Support Documents